Sogna (Dreams) – the sound beyond the stones
Atopos is both place and negation of place: it is centre and edge, new and old, past and future.
For some time now the spirit of Atopos has lived in Sogna. Sogna, “Castelletto degli Umbertini” in the 12th century, was subsequently pillaged, rebuilt, burned and transformed
during the seventeenth century into a tranquil rural village nestled on the slopes of the Tuscan hills.
Now, completely renovated, Sogna offers, documents and experiments with the musical culture of today and tomorrow.
The music of some of the most important composers and interpreters of our time has drifted over the sandstone walls and walks of Sogna to mix with the perfume of gorse and be captured on DAT before disappearing within the labyrinthine Tuscan hills. These DATS contain important moments which are often unique and without the possibility of repetition; musical experiences which though quite disparate, are nevertheless each an integral part, link and cell of the contemporary musical culture.
Atopos, as a Foundation devoted to furthering the diffusion and awareness of contemporary music and now wishing to widen its horizons and the scope of its reach, has searched and found through the e-sources, the ideal partner to facilitate its work - those moments of authentic culture and intense emotion captured before they were irretrievably lost - to be distributed to a world wide audience.
The artistic choices, formulated along with Daniele Lombardi, Artistic Director of the Foundation, have centered on instrumental music in which the composer is, often, the interpreter as well. This union, when intertwined with the unique ambient within which the concert unfolds, creates unrepeatable moments of music history.
The catalogue which is being developed, therefore, emphasizes a repertoire which is central to the international contemporary music scene without, however, ignoring compositions, such as the Quatuor pour la fin du temps by Messiaen, which are twentieth-century masterworks.