Roberto Fabbriciani
Monochromer Garten
The flute is perhaps the oldest musical instrument, found in every civilization – each with its own variation according to the sensibility. In Western culture the flute draws a melodic line parallel to the human voice, overcoming its limitations with regard to speed and extension, in a virtuosity of growth, proliferation, and construction typical of western civilization. In Japanese culture the flute probably came from China but was promptly adapted to meet a specific sensibility, which entails concentrating on the single sound, on the silence that surrounds and identifies it, on the timbre and also its breath or noise components.
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Still Harping on Music
In this journey, Sequenza II by Luciano Berio is a true milestone. It is part of a larger ...

XX live dream flute
Many important composers have expressed their enthusiastic appreciation of Roberto Fabbric...

Hotel Boltanski
On this recording, as I have already done in the past, I appropriated music that belonged ...